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                Mid-West 240系列隔爆差压表带限位开关和★变送器

                Mid-West 240系列隔◥爆差压表带限位开关和变送器



                Mid-West 240 系列隔爆差压表带限位开关和变送器
                The Model 240 carries global certifications from CSA, UL, and ATEX. The diaphragm isolated Differential Pressure Switch is CSA Certified to both the Canadian and U.S. Standards and U.L. Listed to the U.S. Standards. In addition, it is certified to the ATEX directive Ex d, IIB + Hwith an IP 65 rating.
                Mid-West Instrument’s new Hazardous Locations “Delta P” switches are provided with a field wireable terminal strip. The terminal strip eliminates the need to add a costly explosion-proof junction box near the switch.  Multiple outputs are available ranging from low power reed switches to higher load switching relay outputs.
                Features and Benefits
                A competitively priced Indicating Differential Pressure Switch for use in measuring the pressure drop across filters, strainers, separators, valves, and pumps in Hazardous Locations.
                Total Separation of High and Low Pressures Sides
                #   Simple, Rugged, Compact Design
                #   Working Pressure 1500 PSIG (103 bar)
                #   Over-range Protection to Maximum Presssure
                #   Captive Cover Screws
                #   The Entire Assembly is Certified for Hazardous Locations
                #   CSA Certified, UL Listed, Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, D;
                Class II, Division 1, Groups E,F, & G.
                #   ATEX Certified, Ex d IIB + H2 Ex II 2GD IP65
                Switch Options:

                Type SPST ** SPDT SPDT DPDT Relay
                ELEC Spec. A A A B,C,D,E,F,G, H
                Output Option Code E (NO) H A R
                †Power 60 W 60 W 3W N/A
                Max. Current 3.0  Amps 1.0 Amps 0.25 Amps 10 Amps
                Max. Voltage VAC/VDC 240 240 125 277 / 30
                Setting (%F.S.) 15% to 100% 25% to 100% 15% to 90% 15% to 100%
                Hysteresis (Max/Nom) 20% / 9% (F.S.) 25% / 18% (F.S.) 15% / 6% (F.S.) 20%/10% (F.S.)
                Repeatability 1% F.S. 1% F.S. 1% F.S. 1% F.S.
                NOTE: For Ranges Greater than 60 PSID Minimum Switch Adjustability = 25%
                † Product of the Switching Voltage & Current Shall Not Exceed the Power Rating
                ** Available Normally Open Only
                #   Set Point Accuracy: 2%*
                #   Interface:  1/2” Conduit / Cable Entry with 16 Position Terminal Strip
                #   Enclosure:  NEMA 7 / Ex “d” (Flame-proof), IP65 Weatherproof rating
                #   Switch Adjust: Internal to the Enclosure
                #   Input Power: None. (For Reed switch Outputs) ; Required for Relay Output
                #   Working Pressure:  1500 PSIG (100 bar)
                #   Differential Over-range:  Same as Working Pressure
                #   Range: 0-20" H2O (0-50 mbar) to 0-100 PSID (0-7 bar)
                #   High Side to Low side Isolation:  Isolated (Diaphragm Style)
                #   Process Connections: 1/4” FNPT End Connected (Standard)
                #   Materials:  AL, 316 / 316L  SS,
                #   Accuracy:  2%* 
                #   Dial Size:  4 1/2” Standard None (Switch Only)